
Dr Peter Attia Products, Supplements, Fasting, & Exercise – What He Uses

A full list of what Dr. Peter Attia uses for monitoring his health, fitness, sleep, supplements and fasting.

There’s a lot of confusion around dieting, exercise and what’s best for overall health and longevity. That’s why it’s important to find experts you trust and ignore the rest of the noise out there.

Dr. Peter Attia is my go-to source on all things health and longevity related.

Dr. Attia is medical doctor who focuses on the science behind living a longer, healthier life. He remains unbiased and sticks to what the science indicates while is also willing to experiment on himself.

I thought it would be helpful to create a Peter Attia resource page that you can always come to for all of your healthy lifestyle needs based on Dr. Attia’s comments in podcasts and articles. This is a list of the products Dr. Attia’s uses and recommends related to wearables, sleep, fitness, supplements, and fasting. I’ll add to it as I learn more. I recommend bookmarking it for your reference and convenience.

Note that what Dr. Attia chooses to do for his own health, isn’t necessarily optimal for you.

Read the full list here: http://troydelaney.com/attia
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